#编辑器#An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker
翻译 - 顽固的火星维默的Emacs配置
Cool open source projects. Choose your project and get involved in Open Source development now.
翻译 - 用С,C ++,Clojure,Lisp,Elixir,Erlang,Elm,Golang,Haskell,JavaScript,Lua,OCaml,Python,R,Ruby,Rust,Scala等编写的大量酷炫的开源项目列表。
Prelude is an enhanced Emacs 25.1+ distribution that should make your experience with Emacs both more pleasant and more powerful.
A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs
The Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks for Emacs
Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework
Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs
Centaur Emacs - A Fancy and Fast Emacs Configuration
Minor mode for Emacs that deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.
An example of a fully custom Emacs configuration developed live on YouTube!
web template editing mode for emacs
an Emacs "jump to definition" package for 50+ languages
A fancy and fast mode-line inspired by minimalism design.
Short and sweet LISP editing
a collection of yasnippet snippets for many languages
An Emacs package development handbook. Built with Emacs, by Emacs package developers, for Emacs package developers.
翻译 - Emacs软件包开发手册。由Emacs软件包开发人员使用Emacs构建,用于Emacs软件包开发人员。