A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
翻译 - 用于管理和维护多语言预提交挂钩的框架。
🔬 A Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
翻译 - :microscope:一个用于精心重构关键路径的Ruby库。
Go DDD example application. Complete project to show how to apply DDD, Clean Architecture, and CQRS by practical refactoring.
翻译 - 完整的无服务器应用程序,展示了如何通过实际重构Go项目来应用DDD,Clean Architecture和CQRS。
GritQL is a query language for searching, linting, and modifying code.
Automated mass refactoring of source code.
WebUI for Fine-Tuning and Self-hosting of Open-Source Large Language Models for Coding
#编辑器#Mainly a PHP Language Server with more features than you can shake a stick at
Coca is a toolbox which is design for legacy system refactoring and analysis, includes call graph, concept analysis, api tree, design patterns suggest. Coca 是一个用于系统重构、系统迁移和系统分析的工具箱。它可以分析代码中的测试坏味道、模块化分...