Software Engineering is the discipline of applying engineering principles and practices to the creation, maintenance, and design of software for a variety of applications. This topic covers a broad range of areas including requirements analysis, software design, programming, project management, testing, and maintenance. It emphasizes systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approaches to the successful development of high-quality, reliable software systems.
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An ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns
#新手入门#为 CTO 准备的资源精选,特别是初创公司。内容包括职业规划、人事管理,技术文档。
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#面试#A resource to help you become good at work 👇
#计算机科学#A curated list of references for MLOps
翻译 - 精选的MLOps参考列表
#Awesome#A comprehensive list of books on Software Architecture.
翻译 - 关于软件架构的精选书籍清单。
A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)
翻译 - 精选的公开资源集合,介绍了世界各地的技术和精通技术的组织如何实践站点可靠性工程(SRE)
#Awesome#The Generative AI Landscape - A Collection of Awesome Generative AI Applications
⏰ Collaboratively track deadlines of conferences recommended by CCF (Website, Python Cli, Wechat Applet) / If you find it useful, please star this project, thanks~
A curated list of topics to start learning software engineering
#Awesome#📚 A curated list of papers for Software Engineers
Tips and resources to prepare for Behavioral interviews.
#新手入门#Roadmap to becoming a Java developer in 2025
翻译 - 2019年成为Java开发人员的路线图