#Awesome#A comprehensive list of books on Software Architecture.
翻译 - 关于软件架构的精选书籍清单。
[UNMAINTAINED] A goal, task & habit tracker + personal dashboard to focus on what matters
Ten thousand books, six million ratings
A chrome extension to download ebooks directly from Goodreads.
翻译 - 直接从 Goodreads 下载电子书的 chrome 扩展。
#网络爬虫#An Alternative Private Goodreads Front-End.
#计算机科学#Book Recommendation System built for Book Lovers📖. Simply Rate ⭐ some books and get immediate recommendations🤩
翻译 - 书籍推荐系统为书籍爱好者。简单地评价⭐一些书籍并立即推荐¶
A plugin to connect your Goodreads shelves to your Obsidian vault.
#网络爬虫#Scrape data from Goodreads using Scrapy and Selenium 📚
🩺 Track, visualize, and embed your health and life data — location, health, work, play, and more
ReaDB is your private digital bookshelf. Read. Review. Remember.
9 tools for Goodreads.com, for finding people based on the books they’ve read, finding books popular among the people you follow, following new book reviews, etc
Download books from a 📚 Goodreads shelf using ⛵ Library Genesis.
Export your (or other people's) Goodreads data to SQLite
A personal project to help me retain information from books
#博客#export mac ibook annotations/hightlights to obsidian vault