#计算机科学# A unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library
翻译 - 统一,全面,高效的推荐库
#计算机科学# 精选机器学习,NLP,图像识别, 深度学习等人工智能领域学习资料,搜索,推荐,广告系统架构及算法技术资料整理。算法大牛笔记汇总
An Open-source Toolkit for Deep Learning based Recommendation with Tensorflow.
翻译 - 一个基于Tensorflow的基于深度学习的推荐开源工具包。
#计算机科学# The merlin dataloader lets you rapidly load tabular data for training deep leaning models with TensorFlow, PyTorch or JAX
Repository hosting code used to reproduce results in "Actions Speak Louder than Words: Trillion-Parameter Sequential Transducers for Generative Recommendations" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.17152, ICML...
[WWW'2024] "RLMRec: Representation Learning with Large Language Models for Recommendation"