#计算机科学#精选机器学习,NLP,图像识别, 深度学习等人工智能领域学习资料,搜索,推荐,广告系统架构及算法技术资料整理。算法大牛笔记汇总
Machine learning lessons and teaching projects designed for engineers
#计算机科学#Những kiến thức cần thiết để học tốt Machine Learning trong vòng 2 tháng. Essential Knowledge for learning Machine Learning in two months.
#计算机科学#🧙 A web app to generate template code for machine learning
翻译 - web一个Web应用程序可生成用于机器学习的模板代码
#博客#Slides, paper notes, class notes, blog posts, and research on ML 📉, statistics 📊, and AI 🤖.
翻译 - 幻灯片,纸质笔记,课堂笔记,博客文章,以及有关机器学习,统计和人工智能的研究。
#自然语言处理#Machine Learning notebooks for refreshing concepts.
#计算机科学#Using temporal convolution to detect Audio Deepfakes
#计算机科学#The best resources around Machine Learning
翻译 - 机器学习方面的最佳资源
#自然语言处理#Code For The Issue Label Bot, an App that automatically labels issues using machine learning, available on the GitHub Marketplace. This is also code for the blog article: "How to automate tasks on G...
翻译 - 问题标签机器人的代码,这是一个应用程序,它使用机器学习自动为问题添加标签,可从GitHub Marketplace获得。这也是博客文章的代码:“如何通过机器学习在GitHub上自动化任务以获取乐趣和收益”
#计算机科学#🟣 Object detection of abstract shapes with neural networks
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Tutorials in Python
#计算机科学#Collection of lectures and lab lectures on machine learning and deep learning. Lab practices in Python and TensorFlow.
#计算机科学#Graduate course on Machine Learning
#新手入门#The overall objective of this toolkit is to provide and offer a free collection of data analysis and machine learning that is specifically suited for doing data science. Its purpose is to get you star...
#计算机科学#An in-depth analysis of audio classification on the RAVDESS dataset. Feature engineering, hyperparameter optimization, model evaluation, and cross-validation with a variety of ML techniques and MLP
#计算机科学#A Streamlit application to play with machine learning models directly from the browser
#自然语言处理#找一份机器学习工作(算法工程师),需要提纲(算法能力)挈领(编程能力),充分准备。 本人学习和在找工作期间受到了很多前辈们的帮助,目前已经找到心仪的工作,撰写此文献给那些在求职路上有梦有汗水的人们!2020秋招算法,难度剧增!没有选择,只能迎难而上。
#计算机科学#Machine learning notes that make your reading easy
#计算机科学#Deep learning library in python from scratch
#计算机科学#A Classification Problem which predicts if a loan will get approved or not.