#计算机科学#Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree projects.
翻译 - Udacity无人驾驶汽车工程师纳米学位项目。
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Lectures at the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2018
#自然语言处理#A Natural Language Processing course taught by Professor Ghassemi
Introduction to Software Design with Java
#计算机科学#Collection of lectures and lab lectures on machine learning and deep learning. Lab practices in Python and TensorFlow.
🎓 Materials for my lectures including programming langauge design, software engineering and human-computer interaction.
Yildiz Teknik Unv. Bilgisayar Mühendisliği ile ilgili ödev,ders notu, sinav sorulari, lablarin iceriginin bulunduğu repo.
Making lecture videos readable
Object-oriented programming is a pain if we do it wrong: Lecture Notes for a BSc course
This repository for my college's materials, department of computer science
#自然语言处理#This is the second part of the Deep Learning Course for the Master in High-Performance Computing (SISSA/ICTP).)
#计算机科学#Lectures on Bayesian statistics and information theory
Fundamentals of electrical machines and drives course material
Applied Mathematical Methods in Materials Engineering
#计算机科学#Supplementary materials to the lecture data driven audio signal processing
#博客#Lecture notes, projects, and more resources on the courses I attended for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science
Slides and exercises for the iCSC lecture "Software Paradigms and Programming Patterns"