#计算机科学#Slides and Jupyter notebooks for the Deep Learning lectures at Master Year 2 Data Science from Institut Polytechnique de Paris
#计算机科学#Lecture notes, tutorial tasks including solutions as well as online videos for the reinforcement learning course hosted by Paderborn University
翻译 - 帕德博恩大学主办的强化学习课程的讲义、教程任务,包括解决方案以及在线视频
Learning Management System OpenOlat
Course page „Programmieren in Rust“, University Osnabrück (German!)
#学习与技能提升#Course materials for Dartmouth course: Human Memory (PSYC 51.09)
An online blackboard 🖉 with fridge magnets 🌈🧲 for teaching, and making animations 🏃 and presentations ⎚. All of that in a lightweight user interface, and without coding.
#Awesome#A curated list of deep learning resources books, courses, papers, libraries, conferences, sample code, and many more.
Introduction to Quality Engineering made for the 4noobs collection.
#Awesome#Highly recommended resources for SLAM newbies (Lecture, Reviewed paper, Books, Tutorial, etc)
Solutions to assignments for Robot Mapping / SLAM Course WS 2013/14, Uni of Freiburg. Please see to linked website and README for YouTube videos & further resources.
📚 A place for all supplementary materials like slides, homework assignments etc.
ASP .NET Core ile Web Programlama Ders Notları
Music Synthesis with Python talk, originally given at PyGotham 2017.
Tutorials for the lecture "Computational Methods in Many-Body Physics"
#博客#Source code for lecture notes
Lectures for the course "Scientific Programming in Python" at Osnabrück University
Lecture at The UTokyo on computer graphics
🐸 Gecko Download Manager is a Chrome Extension that improves downloading lectures 💾 from the Echo360 System.