#滚动#通过调用本库可轻易创建全屏滚动网站(也称为单页网站)。 本库可创建全屏滚动网站,同时也可在网站中添加横向滚动条
🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
翻译 - @ @vuejs的Swiper组件
Make a cool intro for your Android app.
Univer is a full-stack framework for creating and editing spreadsheets, documents, and slides on both web and server.
PowerPoint-ist(/'pauəpɔintist/), An online presentation application that replicates most of the commonly used features of MS PowerPoint, allowing for the editing and presentation of PPT online. Suppor...
pagePiling plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create a scrolling pile of sections. http://alvarotrigo.com/pagePiling/
The most simple SwipeMenu in the history, 0 coupling, support any ViewGroup. Step integration swipe (delete) menu, high imitation QQ, iOS. ~史上最简单侧滑菜单,0耦合,支持任意ViewGroup。一步集成侧滑(删除)菜单,高仿QQ、IOS。~
Small, fast, and accessibility-first React carousel library with an easily customizable UI and behavior to fit your brand and site.
Pure Javascript lightbox with mobile support. It can handle images, videos with autoplay, inline content and iframes
#安卓#SlideUp is a small library that allows you to add sweet slide effect to any view.
vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page, looks like vertical viewpager
🎠 A carousel component for Vue.js
翻译 - Vue.js的轮播组件
#计算机科学#Slides and Jupyter notebooks for the Deep Learning lectures at Master Year 2 Data Science from Institut Polytechnique de Paris
A customizable scrollbar plugin based on vue.js for PC , mobile phone, touch screen, laptop.
Pympress is a simple yet powerful PDF reader designed for dual-screen presentations
#安卓#A flexible, easy to use, unique drawer library for your Android project.