#安卓#The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
翻译 - 灵活,易于使用的所有抽屉库均适用于您的Android项目。现在是全新的材料2设计。
#安卓#DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a "drawer" is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible.
翻译 - 类似于DrawerLayout的ViewGroup,其中“抽屉”隐藏在内容视图下,可以对其进行移动以使抽屉可见。
#安卓#A flexible, easy to use, unique drawer library for your Android project.
Playground app for Flutter
#安卓#Drawer behavior is a library that provide an extra behavior on drawer, such as, move view or scaling view's height while drawer on slide.
#安卓#A Kotlin DSL wrapper around the mikepenz/MaterialDrawer library.
Custom Navigation Drawer Library for Android
#安卓#A library that builds on the AppCompat Design Library and provides additional common components such as AccountHeaderView, FloatingActionMenu, CircleImageView, Picker Dialogs, FlexibleToolbarLayout, D...
#安卓#Sample app showcasing the Navigation Drawer according Material Design guidelines. Check out the article to further explanation.
#安卓#Drawer behavior is a library that provide an extra behavior on drawer, such as, move view or scaling view's height while drawer on slide.
#安卓#📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful, Stylish 😍 Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.
Simple side navitation control for iOS in Swift , Right and Left sides, Support iPad & Object-C
#安卓#Easy to add different animations into standard NavigationDrawer.
#安卓#Navigation Drawer with New JetPacks Navigation Component
This is a Custom Navigation controller along with tab bar controller and it provides a navigation slider to easy to access other controllers in iOS and it's made in Swift 3.
#安卓#A swift style Animated side nav that slides the main app to the side with a 3d perspective menu with parallax effect.
#安卓#[UI challange] .NET MAUI prototype of an e-shop app inspired by the "Gadgets Store App" design by Sajon.