#滚动#通过调用本库可轻易创建全屏滚动网站(也称为单页网站)。 本库可创建全屏滚动网站,同时也可在网站中添加横向滚动条
#安卓#Fast and versatile Adapter for RecyclerView which regroups several features into one library to considerably improve the user experience :-)
翻译 - 快速,通用的RecyclerView适配器,可将多个功能重新组合到一个库中,以大大改善用户体验:-)
UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
multiscroll plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create scrolling split websites. http://alvarotrigo.com/multiScroll/
#前端开发#Free TailwindCSS HTML UI Components - built to create landing pages and websites. Easyfrontend UI components are free and open-source. show your support and love, don't forget to give us a star 🌟
EnBizCard helps you create interactive and responsive HTML-based digital business cards that can be hosted with your website.
Lightweight elf binary parser with no external dependencies - Sections, Symbols, Relocations, Segments
Bootstrap UI Components - Free Core Version of Ayro UI, A Bootstrap HTML UI Library, with Beautiful & Essential UI Components and Minimal Design System.
Shopify sections for everyone. Tooltips, FAQ, Quiz, and App Performance
📒 Showcase multiple React components within a story
#安卓#Simple Android library that allows you to easily split your RecyclerView into expanding/collapsing sections with headers.
#安卓#Adapter for RecyclerView(only 21KB).RecyclerView万能适配器(仅21KB)
Animated collapsible component for React Native, good for accordions (reanimated v2), toggles 🧬
ASTable and ASCollection Data Sources for RxSwift (Texture)
Free Tailwind UI React JS Components - built to create landing pages and websites. Easyfrontend UI components are free and open-source. show your support and love, don't forget to give us a star 🌟
Elevate your smart home experience with a modern, responsive dashboard built on Home Assistant. Effortlessly manage your devices, areas and floors with an intuitive interface integrated with hass-magi...
A data-driven library for building complex table views easily