MagicMirror² 是一个模块化的智能镜平台,旨在将普通的镜子转换为智能显示屏。例如显示时间、天气、新闻、日历事件、社交媒体更新等
Home Assistant Custom Integration for Niko Home Control II
Full repository for the Dog gateway
Elevate your smart home experience with a modern, responsive dashboard built on Home Assistant. Effortlessly manage your devices, areas and floors with an intuitive interface integrated with hass-magi...
A python library to control the Velbus home automation system
A fork of the jamod library designed to handle also RTU over TCP tunneling in addition to Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU
Home Assistant integration for the Homeduino 433 MHz RF transceivers over the serial interface
Web panel for managing and monitoring components in a smart home
Python-based Raspberry Pi thermostat application for home automation
TJShow is show controller software to create highly interactive and highly integrated shows.
Plugin permettant l'intégration du portier GrandStream GDS3710 dans Jeedom.
Home Assistant configuration files for DomBusEVSE module to make a DIY wallbox charging station
Repository for ReadTheDocs developer manual
👉 Simple IoT for your place! 👈 🔌 💡 🔋 🔒
Jekyll source for the Dog website
🏠 Personal Telegram bot living at our house server
Web App and server to manage appliances at home using ESP8266-based devices like Sonoff, NodeMCU and Wemos D1 Mini