Home Assistant 是一款开源家庭自动化系统,将本地控制和隐私放在首位。它由全球 DIY 爱好者提供支持,非常适合在树莓派或本地服务器上运行。
面向IP摄像头具有实时本地物体检测功能的 NVR
Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
#Awesome#Self-Hosting Guide. Learn all about locally hosting (on premises & private web servers) and managing software applications by yourself or your organization. Including Cloud, LLMs, WireGuard, Automati...
Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts (Community Edition)
ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
翻译 - ESPHome是一个系统,可通过简单但功能强大的配置文件控制ESP8266 / ESP32,并通过家庭自动化系统对其进行远程控制。
终极流媒体应用,支持 RTSP、RTMP、HTTP-FLV、WebRTC、MSE、HLS、MP4、MJPEG、HomeKit、FFmpeg 等。
#大语言模型#🤖 wukong-robot 是一个简单、灵活、优雅的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,支持ChatGPT多轮对话能力,还可能是首个支持脑机交互的开源智能音箱项目。
#Awesome#A curated list of amazingly awesome Home Assistant resources.
📘 Home Assistant User documentation
翻译 - :blue_book:家庭助理用户文档
HACS gives you a powerful UI to handle downloads of all your custom needs.
翻译 - 管理(安装,跟踪,升级)和发现Home Assistant的自定义元素。
🔰 Home Assistant Operating System
Automatic integrate all Xiaomi devices to HomeAssistant via miot-spec, support Wi-Fi, BLE, ZigBee devices. 小米米家智能家居设备接入Hass集成
翻译 - 通过 miot-spec 自动将所有小米设备集成到 HomeAssistant,支持 Wi-Fi、BLE、ZigBee 设备。
🏠 Home Assistant configuration & Documentation for my Smart House. Write-ups, videos, part lists, and links throughout. Be sure to ⭐ it. Updated FREQUENTLY!
翻译 - :house:我的Smart House的家庭助理配置和文档。全文撰写,视频,零件清单和链接。请确保:star:它。经常更新!
#前端开发#智能家居 Home Assistant 的前端仓库
Build a beautiful Home Assistant dashboard easily
Python library & console tool for controlling Xiaomi smart appliances
翻译 - Python library & console tool for controlling Xiaomi smart appliances
MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermo...
翻译 - 适用于ESP8266,ESP32,Sonoff RF Bridge或Arduino的MQTT网关,具有双向433mhz / 315mhz / 868mhz,红外通信,BLE,信标检测,miflora / mi jia / LYWSD02 / Mi Scale兼容性,SMS和LORA。
Automatically create and sync Home Assistant backups into Google Drive
翻译 - 自动创建Hass.io快照并将其同步到Google云端硬盘
Minimalistic graph card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI