#大语言模型#🤖 wukong-robot 是一个简单、灵活、优雅的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,支持ChatGPT多轮对话能力,还可能是首个支持脑机交互的开源智能音箱项目。
Ansible playbook to deploy k3s kubernetes cluster
Balloon Satellite Project of Club
Library to support the HD44780 LCD , (I2C PCF8574 "backpack" interface) for the Raspberry PI.
#计算机科学#Violence recognition in streaming video using Transfer Learning and MoViNets. The project leverages state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to create an efficient and accurate violence detection sys...
#计算机科学#An indoor video surveillance system capable of recognizing the presence of a human intrusion. Final project course Machine Learning for IOT.
Raspeberry Pi with OSMC and SSH and Samba and Transmissio and RPiMonitor and sickchill and CouchPotato and Jacket and headphones)
Code repository for Automated Calorie Tracking blog post. Automatically detects the food item placed on the weighing scale and logs it to HealthifyMe.
My test with the TFLite examples for the raspberry pi
Set of initial configurations for the raspeberry pi to work with the official touchscreen, a hidden ssid and stuff..
Repository with Payloads for usbrubberducky (Tested on raspberry pi Pico)
I'm taking part in the EPFL Robotics Competition. We must build an autonomous robot from scratch that recognizes all types of bottles, catches them, and then bring them to a recycling bin. One of my r...
This project my computer engineering final project. This project can read the plate from camera and save to db and also management these plates and plate if authenticated to enter your private area th...
Wireless Melody Player that plays a song/tune remotelly via wifi
Smart Home, Camper and Boat Management Software
#人脸识别#This project aims to create a smart attendance system using face recognition technology. The system captures and recognizes faces in real-time and marks attendance automatically, providing a seamless ...
Deterministically configure, build and install custom Linux distributions from scratch