适合初学者的 IoT 物联网教程
#Awesome#📝 A curated list of awesome Raspberry Pi tools, projects, images and resources
翻译 - cur精选的Raspberry Pi工具,项目,图像和资源清单
The C-based Firmware Patching Framework for Broadcom/Cypress WiFi Chips that enables Monitor Mode, Frame Injection and much more
翻译 - 适用于Broadcom / Cypress WiFi芯片的基于C的固件修补程序框架,可实现监控模式,帧注入等功能
Crankshaft: A turnkey GNU/Linux solution that transforms a Raspberry Pi to an Android Auto head unit.
#安卓#Go bindings for raylib, a simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming.
Easy WiFi setup for Linux devices from your mobile phone or laptop
Highly optimized open source ambient lighting implementation based on modern digital video and audio stream analysis for Windows, macOS and Linux (x86 and Raspberry Pi / ARM).
The immutable Linux meta-distribution for edge Kubernetes.
Google Assistant for Single Board Computers
#计算机科学#Mycroft interface for Raspberry Pi environment
#安卓# 🔬 🔈 graph-based audio engine
Optimized Amiga emulator for Linux/macOS
This Raspberry Pi distribution for managing Klipper 3D printers with Mainsail provides all you need.