A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources 🚢🎉
翻译 - 精选的kubernetes来源的精选清单:ship :: tada:
A roadmap to learn Kubernetes from scratch (Beginner to Advanced level)
bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s 🚀
翻译 - 在SSH上用k3s引导Kubernetes <1分钟🚀
Homogeneous Kubernetes clusters at scale on any infrastructure using hosted control planes.
翻译 - Kubernetes原生系统管理一致的Kubernetes集群的整个生命周期,并以最小的总拥有成本在Alicloud,AWS,Azure,GCP,OpenStack,Packet,MetalStack和vSphere上作为一项服务进行管理。
Developer Friendly Kubernetes 👁️
Install Kubernetes/K3s only, both Kubernetes/K3s and KubeSphere, and related cloud-native add-ons, it supports all-in-one, multi-node, and HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳
翻译 - 只安装Kubernetes,Kubernetes和KubeSphere,以及相关的云原生插件,支持多合一、多节点、HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳
Kubernetes Control Plane Virtual IP and Load-Balancer
Run Amazon EKS on your own infrastructure 🚀
翻译 - 在您自己的基础设施上运行 Amazon EKS 🚀
Sonobuoy is a diagnostic tool that makes it easier to understand the state of a Kubernetes cluster by running a set of Kubernetes conformance tests and other plugins in an accessible and non-destructi...
翻译 - Sonobuoy是一种诊断工具,通过以可访问且无损的方式运行一组Kubernetes一致性测试和其他插件,可以更轻松地了解Kubernetes集群的状态。
Helm Chart & Documentation for deploying JupyterHub on Kubernetes
翻译 - 在Kubernetes上部署JupyterHub的Helm Chart和文档
Custom Kubernetes controller that can be used to replicate secrets, configmaps and certificates.
This repo covers Kubernetes with LABs: Kubectl, Pod, Deployment, Service, PV, PVC, Rollout, Multicontainer, Daemonset, Taint-Toleration, Job, Ingress, Kubeadm, Helm, etc.
翻译 - 这个 repo 涵盖了带有 LAB 的 Kubernetes 环境:Kubectl、Pod、Deployment、Service、ConfigMap、ReplicaSet、PV、PVC、Secret 等。
This is the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Baseline Cluster reference implementation as produced by the Microsoft Azure Architecture Center.
翻译 - 这是由Microsoft Azure体系结构中心生成的Azure Kubernetes服务(AKS)安全基准参考实现。
KubeMQ is a Kubernetes native message queue broker
翻译 - KubeMQ 是一个 Kubernetes 原生的消息队列代理
Report Kubernetes cluster and pod resource requests vs usage and generate static HTML
翻译 - 报告Kubernetes集群和Pod资源请求与使用情况并生成静态HTML
PiHole on kubernetes
翻译 - PiHole在州长中