Homogeneous Kubernetes clusters at scale on any infrastructure using hosted control planes.
翻译 - Kubernetes原生系统管理一致的Kubernetes集群的整个生命周期,并以最小的总拥有成本在Alicloud,AWS,Azure,GCP,OpenStack,Packet,MetalStack和vSphere上作为一项服务进行管理。
Simulate a highly-available Cloud Platform with Consul, Nomad, and Vault. OSS & Enterprise versions supported.
MATLAB code for reading and writing CIFTI connectivity files
This project provides the full source code for the "Hello World" tutorials on https://hcp.sap.com. In this tutorials you can learn how to make your very first steps on SAP HANA by developing a very si...
A super lightweight Hosting Control Panel for Ubuntu and Debian Mail, Web and DNS servers
(NeurIPS 2018) Hardware Conditioned Policies for Multi-Robot Transfer Learning
Simple and brief walkthroughs to help grad students/new users complete basic tasks with workbench command and common HCP pipeline output files.
This sample is a Web application, showcasing usage of variety open source frameworks (such as Twitter Bootstrap, Backbone.JS, Underscore.JS, jQuery, json2, Jasmine.JS, Sinon.JS).
Sample HTML5 application developed for the SAP HANA Cloud Platform using AngularJS and Bootstrap.
Application for Big Computational Data Specification (v1.1). This specification provide information on how to write an Application that can run on the open platform
Docker the SAP HANA Cloud Platform Connector
Weakly Object Localization on brain dMRI using CAM
#数据仓库#Preparatory scripts for BIDS tabular phenotypic data in large neuroimaging datasets.