Pytorch implementation of convolutional neural network visualization techniques
翻译 - 卷积神经网络可视化技术的Pytorch实现
Open Source toolpath generator for 3D printers
翻译 - 适用于3D打印机的开源工具路径生成器
Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) is an open-source software development platform for 3D CAD, CAM, CAE.
A GCode sender (not only for lasers or plotters) for up to two GRBL controller. SVG, DXF, HPGL import. 6 axis DRO.
pytorch实现Grad-CAM和Grad-CAM++,可以可视化任意分类网络的Class Activation Map (CAM)图,包括自定义的网络;同时也实现了目标检测faster r-cnn和retinanet两个网络的CAM图;欢迎试用、关注并反馈问题...
Collaborative effort on the next version of LaserWeb / CNCWeb
Seamless background video recorder for Android – ad-free and open-source, with customizable options.
This shared library allows to control Eufy security devices by connecting to the Eufy cloud servers and local/remote stations over p2p.
#算法刷题#2D polyline library for offsetting, combining, etc.
This is the repository of a Tsugite. It is a research prototype of an interactive software that supports the design and fabrication of wood joints.
Official implementation of Score-CAM in PyTorch
#计算机科学#Class-Weighted Convolutional Features for Image Retrieval (BMVC 2017)
Small server wrapper around eufy-security-client library to access it via a WebSocket.
(CVPR2018) Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
This ioBroker adapter allows to control Eufy security devices by connecting to the Eufy cloud servers.