Program the esp32 ULP coprocessor in Arduino
翻译 - 在Arduino中编程esp32 ULP协处理器
ESP32 ULP Co-Processor toolchain implemented in MicroPython
A correct way to determine if two floating-point numbers are approximately equal to one another in Swift
Examples of using the ULP Co-Processor of the ESP32 with simple pulse counting, which I extended for also saving the shortest pulse.
Water level monitor using open-source microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32) and ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 / JSN-SR04T and similar with Trigger and Echo signals. Arduino Core & ESP-IDF implementa...
Migration of the original project [Waterius]( to ESP32
An Ultra Low Power temperature logger based on the ESP8266 MCU.
Remote areas monitoring IoT node: ULP (Energy-harvesting powered) fire detection & alarming system using Fuzzy logic with an edge computing approach for daily temperature logging.
This is ESP32 Micropython implementation, which measures impulses using ULP and sends the data through HTTP to ThingsBoard IOT data hub.
Environmental monitoring for Aquaculture and Hydroponics