Govee H5072, H5074, H5075, H5100, H5101, H5104, H5105, H5174, H5177, H5179, H5181, H5182, and H5183 Bluetooth Low Energy Temperature and Humidity Logger
Temper is a compact temperature sensor based on ESP8266 and SHT30 with large 13x7 pixel led display.
翻译 - Temper是一款基于ESP8266和SHT30的紧凑型温度传感器,具有13x7像素大型led显示屏。
5 channel aquarium LED controller with web interface for ESP32 boards. Supports DS18B20, SSD1306, ILI9341, XPT2046 and SmartConfig. Arduino IDE.
An Ultra Low Power temperature logger based on the ESP8266 MCU.
ESP8266, Temperature, Humidity, Pressue with BME/BMP280
Remote areas monitoring IoT node: ULP (Energy-harvesting powered) fire detection & alarming system using Fuzzy logic with an edge computing approach for daily temperature logging.
ESP8266 based humidity and temperature sensor for MQTT, based an CoogleIOT
Humidity & Temperature CLI datalogger for DHT22 sensor on Raspberry Pi.
8 channel K-type thermocouple temperature logger
Web interface to view temp and humidity from an Arduino with a DHT22 sensor.
A Python based Graphical Temperature Logger for the Raspberry Pi
ESP32 Arduino IDE library for managing Dallas DS18B20 sensors.
A program for monitoring the temperature in your medication cabinet and warning you via Telegram when it's too hot or cold - complete with setup instructions
The Smart Wireless Aquarium Monitoring System
Este proyecto de programación en Python, creado para el curso de Instrumentación Física 1, utiliza el sensor PT100 para capturar datos de temperatura a intervalos configurables, almacenarlos en CSV y ...
Humidity-Temperature datalogger using RasperryPi Zero W
Simple Program to push measurements from a BMP280 sensor to a webserver.
Remote temperature sensor monitoring using the RF24 library
Arduino project to record and upload temperature, humidity, and light data to the cloud