🌡️ Arduino library for interfacing with Maxim temperature sensors like DS18B20, DS18S20, and MAX31850. 🔌 Supports multiple sensors, ⚡ asynchronous operation, and 🎯 configurable resolution for preci...
PyScada is a open source scada system that uses the Django framework as backend
DS18B20 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
Lightweight onewire protocol library for embedded systems. It uses UART peripheral or GPIO toggling
Device integration platform for your smart home
DHT11 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
M-Bus/OneWire/I²C --> MQTT-Gateway with a shield for ESP8266 D1 mini
Arduino Library for ESP32 DS18B20 Non Blocking Onewire RMT protocol, no dependencies, minimal
Le firmware leader français parmi ceux du Flipper Zero. Libérez la véritable puissance et la liberté de votre appareil. Découvrez ses capacités authentiques. N'attendez plus, et optez dès aujourd'hui ...
Arduino library for reading values from a Dell power supply via 1 wire protocol
hard (home automation rust-daemon)
Call the PJON C++ library directly from Python
ESP32Cam - Test project combining video with multiple sensors, including TSL2561 (I2C), DS18B20 (OneWire), AM312 and Switch.
nRF52 DS18B20 arduino example
EasySmartHouse-web is a simple platform that allows you to manage your house's devices via web UI
Library to control AX12 Dynamixel motors with MicroPython, Protocol 1.0.
MQTTany is designed to make it easy to connect hardware on single board computers to your home automation solution.