How to build your own AI art installation from scratch
翻译 - 如何从头开始构建自己的 AI 艺术装置
Security camera based on a raspberry pi and Telegram, controllable by smartphone
Raspberry Pi & Node.js diy Home Monitoring & Intruder Alert system
ESP32Cam - PIR-triggered photos uploaded to webserver. Motion broadcast via MQTT. Video streaming. Settings stored in SPIFFS. Temperature sensor.
Security System with ESP32, PIR and Telegram Bot
Alexa controlled alarm system with ESP32-CAM and HC-SR501 PIR module.
ESP8266 MQTT PIR Sensor. Compatible with Home Assistant's MQTT sensor and binary_sensor
EspNow Flooding mesh example PIR sensor node. Part of the ESP32, ESP8266 flooding mesh project.
hard (home automation rust-daemon)
ESP Camera module with PIR that will take a picture and save it to the SD Card when triggered by the PIR sensor. Deep sleeping otherwise.
I will use this repo for my Arduino code and projects
Smart cradle using ESP8266, PIR sensor, wet sensor, Mic Sensor and Servo Motor
An alarm system using the M5Cardputer platform, designed to detect movement using a PIR sensor.
This repository contains code for IOT class
PIR controlled HDMI output for Raspberry Pi
2021. Real-time based project done for the class of Embedded Computational Systems. Implemented in an ESP32 WeMos LOLIN32 Lite with FreeRTOS.
Making a motion triggered camera shot with ESP32-CAM and publishing it to the flespi MQTT broker.
A home automation and natural language assistant using Telegram