📊 Simple package for monitoring and control your NVIDIA Jetson [Orin, Xavier, Nano, TX] series
How to build your own AI art installation from scratch
翻译 - 如何从头开始构建自己的 AI 艺术装置
#计算机科学#🔩 Automatically script to setup and configure your NVIDIA Jetson [Nano, Xavier, TX2i, TX2, TX1, TK1] . This script run different modules to update, fix and patch the kernel, install ROS and other...
Turing-pi BMC firmware
🦕 nanosaur is a little robot, powered by ROS 2. Made for NVIDIA Jetson
TensorFlow for NVIDIA Jetson, also include patch and script for building.
#计算机科学#Hands on labs and content for students and educators to learn and teach the Internet of Things at schools, universities, coding clubs, community colleges and bootcamps
Fever screening with IR & RGB cameras and Deep CNNs
https://wiki.seeedstudio.com Seeed Studio Wiki source code
#计算机科学#Social Distancing Detector using deep learning and capable to run on edge AI devices such as NVIDIA Jetson, Google Coral, and more.
Build librealsense 2.0 library on the NVIDIA Jetson TX Development kit. Intel RealSense D400 series cameras.
#计算机科学#An application suite including an open-source inference server and web UI to deploy any YOLOv8 model to NVIDIA Jetson devices and visualize captured streams, with one line of code.
How to: Monitor SD card health and status using Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson
A network of cameras, can be accessed through a simple GRPC interface, where Machine Learning algorithms can do various Computer Vision tasks
ROS Nodes for RoboCar 1/10X - 1/10 scale vehicle robot with ackermann steering, 2D lidars, camera and other sensors
Integration of NVIDIA Nova Carter with Autoware
Tool to run tegrastats and parse the obtained log file to extract useful data into a csv. It also allows for automated graph creation between values desired from the data parsed.