The Raspberry Pi's IO Functionality in an easy-to-use API for Mono/.NET/C#
Expose GPIO modules (Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, PCF8754, PiFace2 etc.) and digital sensors (LM75 etc.) to an MQTT server for remote control and monitoring.
A Python module for accessing the MPU-6050 digital accelerometer and gyroscope on a Raspberry Pi.
A graphical interface for programming the Raspberry Pi PiCamera. Written in Python using Tkinter.
Floppy disk interface for Raspberry Pi
翻译 - 树莓派的软盘接口
IotPOS, an open source Point of Sale software.
Project to log CAN bus data from a PiCAN2 and a GPS module
Event driven library for interfacing with Raspberry Pi GPIO in PHP
Pi4J Kotlin bindings for the Raspberry Pi GPIO.
ADXL345 three-axis accelerometer reader (SPI interface)
app that manages a user records collection
What do you get when you mix a Raspberry Pi, a MySQL database, an RFID reader, an LCD touchscreen, a relay switch, an electronic door strike and a Twilio SMS account?
Bifröst is an experimental project for developers who want to write .NET Core 2 applications that use IoT devices, and want to target Ubuntu and Windows with the same code.
A raspberry pi project to automate hydroponics with relays and data sensors through a web application
🍓 Curso GRÁTIS de Raspberry Pi (Pi2, Pi 3, Pi 4, Pi Pico, Pi 400 e Pi CM4)
Ninjaberry: Raspberry Pi UI for @Bettercap
Raspberry Pi Adjust Fan Speed With Temperature [C - WiringPi - Pigpio - Noctua PWM Fan]