Floppy disk interface for Raspberry Pi
翻译 - 树莓派的软盘接口
The gEAR Portal was created as a data archive and viewer for gene expression data including microarrays, bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell RNA-Seq and more.
This repositories contains the SQL Scripts which is used for Data Archiving and Purging in SQL Server
This is a small program to read/write disk images from/to Archimedes disks in a PC's floppy drive.
formally specified & verified implementation of eLyKseeR in Coq / OCaml
Code to process, document data and analyse data from the Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid (GREEN Grid) project.
TETHYS - Data Publisher for Geoscience Austria is a digital data library and a data publisher for earth system science. Data can be georeferenced in time (date/time) and space (latitude, longitude, de...
Downloading and storing the TenneT aFRR bid ladders at regular intervals