Privacy-Preserving Computing Platform 由密码学专家团队打造的开源隐私计算平台,支持多方安全计算、联邦学习、隐私求交、匿踪查询等。
Video Recorder for ESP32-CAM with http server for config and ftp (or http) server to download video
#Awesome#Awesome list for cryptographic secure computation paper. This repo includes *Lattice*, *DifferentialPrivacy*, *MPC* and also a comprehensive summary for top conferences.
A library to display and compare spinorama (speakers measurements) graphs.
PrimiHub platform is a Muti-Party Computation and Muti-Party federated task security scheduling platform for MPC and FL point to point service.
Using the Firebeetle ESP32-E as battery powered sensor (SKU:DFR0654-F)
#安卓#🛒Self-Checkout Smart Shopping Cart | Walmart | HackFest 19
#安全#Homomorphic Encryption PIR Postgres C/C++ Agregate Extension.
A firmware application written in C++ using Arduino and Adafruit libraries. It sleeps in low power mode until, activated by the PIR motion sensor, it takes a picture. Images are posted to io.adafruit....
#区块链#Netcoin - Digital currency with personal interest rate and fair weight stake mining
Security System with ESP32, PIR and Telegram Bot
ESP8266 MQTT PIR Sensor. Compatible with Home Assistant's MQTT sensor and binary_sensor
Simple script to read PIR sensor on Raspberry Pi and publish to MQTT, for use in HomeAssistant.
🦀 Rust implementation of sinkhole private information retrieval