A very popular industrial Internet of Things communication plug-in. Using this dll can be very convenient, stable, and fast to obtain data from PLC equipment of multiple brands, and also supports redi...
翻译 - 我在开源和面包之间选择了面包。我选了面包。自2017年开业以来,我已经收获了1300多颗星星,并帮助了很多人开发了很多软件。但是实际的捐款很小,以至于我买不起房贷。因此,从2019年8月起,不再开放源代码,请使用订阅模式,谢谢您的理解。
PiHole and AGH Blocklists
Open source alternative for Panasonic air condition wifi adapters that works locally without the Comfort Cloud
Panasonic Aquarea air-water H, J, K and L series protocol decrypt
A unofficial desktop version of the Panasonic Lumix Link app for remote control of your Lumix camera.
🔛 Panasonic Smart App integration for Home Assistant.
Panasonic Lumix Camera remote control application for Windows 10 (UWP)
Home Assistant integration for Panasonic Aquarea devices connected to Aquarea Smart Cloud
Using the Firebeetle ESP32-E as battery powered sensor (SKU:DFR0654-F)
port of https://github.com/Egyras/HeishaMon to golang to run directly on CZ-TAW1
Homebridge platform plugin providing HomeKit support for Panasonic Comfort Cloud devices
a Node Red flow to interact with Heishamon (a panasonic heatpump through an ESP board)
Homebridge plugin for Panasonic™ Viera™ TVs (includes support for 2018 and later models)
Wrapper for Panasonic Aquarea Service Cloud to MQTT for a smart home integration like Home-Assistant (or for some machine learning)
Panasonic Air Conditioner / Heat Pump plugin for HomeBridge using the Panasonic Comfort Cloud API to expose Panasonic Air Conditioners to Apples HomeKit
MQTT transfer layer for Panasonic Smart Cloud platform for manage the Aquarea device
⭐ A Mewtocol protocol library to interface with Panasonic PLCs over TCP/Serial written in C#
Panasonic Smart App integration for Home Assistant.