Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras
翻译 - Cameradar闯入RTSP视频监控摄像机
Hack Cameras CCTV FREE
翻译 - 黑客摄像机闭路电视免费
📹 Complete HomeKit integration for all UniFi Protect device types with full support for most features including HomeKit Secure Video, and more.
Control for Tapo cameras as a Home Assistant component
⭐ ALIVE Again! ⭐ SmartHome - Nothing but smarthome stuff here! Have fun browsing through my home automation setup... ping me on Discord with any questions! 👍
A curated list of resources on handling Rolling Shutter effects and Radial Distortions
Python library to interact with FLIR camera cores
Homebridge plugin to control certain Eufy Security devices
This ioBroker adapter allows to control Eufy security devices by connecting to the Eufy cloud servers.
All the tools you need to make your own mind up from the Open Data Sets
The core runtime engine for Ambianic Edge devices.
A Sony PS3 Eye Camera grabber for openFrameworks.
A Tool using Shodan and RTSP to find vulnerable cameras around the world.
#Awesome#A list of 3D scanners and their specifications.
Multi site video relay WebRTC SFU
Exercises, data and other material for the DTU course 02502 Image Analysis