Sysmon configuration file template with default high-quality event tracing
Cameradar hacks its way into RTSP videosurveillance cameras
翻译 - Cameradar闯入RTSP视频监控摄像机
The parent project for OpenZiti. Here you will find the executables for a fully zero trust, application embedded, programmable network @OpenZiti
#安全#🔐 Securely share sensitive information with automatic expiration & deletion after a set number of views or duration. Track who, what and when with full audit logs.
Undetectable Windows Payload Generation
Utilities for Sysmon
802.11 Attack Tool
FiercePhish is a full-fledged phishing framework to manage all phishing engagements. It allows you to track separate phishing campaigns, schedule sending of emails, and much more.
翻译 - FiercePhish是一个成熟的网络钓鱼框架,用于管理所有网络钓鱼活动。它使您可以跟踪单独的网络钓鱼活动,安排电子邮件发送等等。
Idiomatic nmap library for go developers
Gorsair gives root access on remote docker containers that expose their APIs
翻译 - Gorsair闯入暴露其API的远程Docker容器
A repo to automatically generate and keep updated a series of Docker images through GitHub Actions.
翻译 - 一个通过 GitHub Actions 自动生成并保持更新一系列 Docker 图像的存储库。
Project dedicated to fight Layer 7 DDoS with proof of work, with an additional WAF and controller. Completed with full set of features and containerized for rapid and lightweight deployment.
Stealthy backdoor for Windows operating systems
翻译 - Windows操作系统的隐形后门
Hawkeye filesystem analysis tool
A permutation generation tool written in golang
#计算机科学#Open-source framework to detect outliers in Elasticsearch events
RouterOS Security Inspector
A workshop on Packet Crafting using Scapy.