#区块链#A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. git ;-). Blockchains are the new tulips 🌷🌷🌷. Distributed is the new centralized.
翻译 - 关于很棒的区块链的集合-带有加密哈希的开放式分布式公共数据库,包括git ;-)。区块链是新的郁金香:tulip :: tulip :: tulip:。分布式是新的集中式。
A no-nonsense CAPTCHA system with seamless UX | Backend component
#区块链#Go Implementation of the Spacemesh protocol full node. 💾⏰💪
GDPR compliant, self-hosted CAPTCHA alternative with PoW mechanism and advanced anti-spam filter.
The widget and docs for the proof of work challenge used in Friendly Captcha. Protect your websites and online services from spam and abuse with Friendly Captcha, a privacy-first anti-bot solution.
Project dedicated to fight Layer 7 DDoS with proof of work, with an additional WAF and controller. Completed with full set of features and containerized for rapid and lightweight deployment.
git is a blockchain. Start your commit hashes with 00000000 like a real blockchain should.
翻译 - 使用定制的哈希值授权您的提交
#区块链#JeChain decentralized application platform and smart contract blockchain network
翻译 - 用 60 行 Javascript 编写的工作量证明区块链
#区块链#blockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby
#区块链#A SDK for implementing blockchain-based digital currencies
C/C++ implementation of Ethash and ProgPoW – the Ethereum Proof of Work algorithms
#区块链#This is my attempt to list all possible blockchain consensus out there, i welcome pull request of the blockchain community! lets make it the main reference for blockchain consensus
#区块链#⋰·⋰ Feeless is a Nano cryptocurrency node, wallet, tools, and Rust crate. https://feeless.dev/
BitCore (BTX) - Cryptocurrency 220 Byte Datacarriersize
#区块链#Trilio is a blockchain written in Python that utilizes the proof-of-stake concept and helps creating a more smooth and transparent transaction experience, with multiple integrations such as NFT(s) and...
Simple javascript proof-of-work based access for Nginx with virtually no overhead. (Similar to Cloudflare's anti-DDoS feature)