#区块链#A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. git ;-). Blockchains are the new tulips 🌷🌷🌷. Distributed is the new centralized.
翻译 - 关于很棒的区块链的集合-带有加密哈希的开放式分布式公共数据库,包括git ;-)。区块链是新的郁金香:tulip :: tulip :: tulip:。分布式是新的集中式。
A transparent and secure way to look up public keys.
翻译 - 一种透明且安全的查找公钥的方法。
#区块链#blockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby
Go Merkle Tree. High performance, Supporting parallel run, OpenZeppelin sorting pairs.
#区块链#🏞 Steganography-based image integrity - Merkle tree nodes embedded into image chunks so that each chunk's integrity can be verified on its own.
A dapptools-ready and gas-optimized implementation of a sparse merkle tree in Solidity.
#区块链#Best of Crypto Books - A collection of books, white papers & more about crypto and blockchains.
Merke tree visualization library for browser, works with merkletreejs
Verkle trees with inner product argument (IPA) based polynomial commitment [Prototype]
Checksums with Merkle trees and concurrency
#区块链#Trace back system base on BlockChain and MerkleTree; Ethereum +FLask + HTML5
#算法刷题#A Merkle Tree Implementation , Visualization & Demonstration
Find duplicate files and directories based on file hashes.
#区块链#Usefull Merkle Tree Example
CLI for merkletreejs