Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
翻译 - Python中GDB的模块化可视界面
A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows t...
翻译 - 使用类似于PD或UDK Blueprints的Javascript编写的图形节点引擎和编辑器,在HTML5 Canvas2D中带有自己的编辑器。引擎可以使用Node运行客户端或服务器端。它允许将图形导出为JSON,以独立包含在应用程序中。
⚡️⚡️⚡️ Open-source, visual programming for developers. Includes VS Code extension, integrates with existing TypeScript code, browser and Node.js.
Just Another Ruby Debugger. Provide a rich Terminal UI that visualizes everything your need, navigates your program with pleasure, stops at matter places only, reduces manual and mental efforts. You c...
翻译 - 只是另一个Ruby调试器。提供丰富的终端用户界面,该界面可视化您的所有需求,使您的程序愉快地导航,仅在特定地点停止,减少了人工和脑力劳动。现在,您可以专注于真正的调试。
Webcodesk - Web App Builder for Create React App
翻译 - Webcodesk-Web应用程序生成器
EyeLoop is a Python 3-based eye-tracker tailored specifically to dynamic, closed-loop experiments on consumer-grade hardware.
翻译 - EyeLoop是基于Python 3的眼动仪,专门针对消费级硬件上的动态,闭环实验而量身定制。
Recognition to Cognition Networks (code for the model in "From Recognition to Cognition: Visual Commonsense Reasoning", CVPR 2019)
翻译 - 认知到认知网络(CVPR 2019中“从认知到认知:视觉常识推理”中模型的代码)