🤖 Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
翻译 - ⚛️Hooks在React中获取,缓存和更新异步数据
#JavaScript框架#Solid 一个声明式、高效且灵活用于构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库。
🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table
翻译 - ⚛️用于为React构建快速且可扩展的表和数据网格的挂钩
Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript
翻译 - 适用于TypeScript的简洁代码概念
🛁 Clean Code concepts and tools adapted for .NET
翻译 - :bathtub:适用于.NET的简洁代码概念和工具
A lightweight carousel library with fluid motion and great swipe precision.
🤖 Headless UI for Virtualizing Large Element Lists in JS/TS, React, Solid, Vue and Svelte
翻译 - H️钩子在React中虚拟化可滚动元素
🔨 The Framework *You* Control - Next.js & Nuxt alternative for unprecedented flexibility and dependability.
Build your design system in React, Solid, Vue or Svelte. Powered by finite state machines
Build your design system with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid. Powered by State Machines
#前端开发#A javascript scrollbar plugin that hides the native scrollbars, provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars, and preserves the native functionality and feel.
.NET 9, Angular 19, Clean Architecture, Clean Code, SOLID Principles, KISS Principle, DRY Principle, Fail Fast Principle, Common Closure Principle, Common Reuse Principle, Acyclic Dependencies Princip...
翻译 - 使用.NET Core 3.1,ASP.NET Core 3.1,Entity Framework Core 3.1,C#,Angular 9.1,干净代码,SOLID,DDD,代码分析,Docker等的体系结构。
RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API
Secure boilerplate for Electron app based on Vite. TypeScript + Vue/React/Angular/Svelte/Vanilla
A zero-config, fast and small (~3kB) virtual list (and grid) component for React, Vue, Solid and Svelte.
#安卓#📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
翻译 - Sample Android示例应用程序,它使用遵循Kotlin最佳实践的模块化,干净,可扩展,可测试的体系结构,并采用了Jetpack。
A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.