🐕 Bare minimum 500b fetch polyfill.
翻译 - 🐕裸取最小填充Polyfill(500字节)。
#Awesome#Workflow-Streamlined next-generation request tools. Extremely streamline API integration workflow, just one step
🐦 Next generation mocking framework in Javascript
#前端开发#Patch fetch/XMLHttpRequest to fake a REST API server in the browser, based on JSON data.
Swap.js is a "HTML-over-the-wire" AJAX-navigation micro-library
XMLHttpRequest.js - Standard-compliant cross-browser XMLHttpRequest object implementation
A lightweight JavaScript CORS Reverse Proxy designed to run in a Cloudflare Worker.
TypeScript 重构 Axios 经验分享,包括开发技巧, API 实现,XMLHttpRequest 运用,单元测试等
文件上传、web文件上传、h5文件上传。easyUpload.js是一款轻量级、易使用、配置灵活的H5/Web上传插件,基于file input。采用原生js及css编写,不依赖其他类库,兼容IE9及以上,压缩体积仅有8kb (css+js)。支持多文件上传,多实例上传,并发上传,混合上传等【👇点击测试】
NO MORE MAINTAINED: Intercept and respond to requests in the browser (AJAX) and Node.js (http(s) module)
CORS middleware for Node.js
#IOS#An implementation of the JavaScript XMLHTTPRequest object to extend JavaScriptCore.
A fully typed HTTP client with explicit behavior & error handling.
Solution for two Cypress testing use-cases I came across with: perform a direct http FORM request to the server containing a file and other parameters and upload a file into a form before submission