Associate files with Eloquent models
翻译 - 将文件与雄辩模型关联
An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x./3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.
#下载器#Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, nzb, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdownloa...
翻译 - Aria/qBittorrent Telegram 镜像/leech bot
#安卓#Easily upload files (Multipart/Binary/FTP out of the box) in the background with progress notification. Support for persistent upload requests, customizations and custom plugins.
翻译 - 带有进度指示通知,可在后台轻松上传文件(FTP /多部分/二进制)
Vue.js file upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory, Upload multiple files at the same time, html4 (IE 9), `PUT` method, Customize the filter
翻译 - Vue.js文件上传组件,多文件上传,上传目录,拖动上传,拖动目录,同时上传多个文件,html4(IE 9),`PUT`方法,自定义过滤器
Media gallery with CKEditor, TinyMCE and Summernote support. Built on Laravel file system.
翻译 - 带有CKEditor,TinyMCE和Summernote支持的媒体库。建立在Laravel文件系统上。
Blazing fast file vault written in TypeScript! 🚀
The open-source CSV importer, maintained by @tableflowhq
Simple open source self-hosted file sharing solution.
#前端开发#JS Expert Week 5.0 classes - Google Drive Clone
翻译 - 本周 JS Expert 5.0 的所有课程 - Google Drive Clone
Simple express file upload middleware that wraps around busboy
#下载器#Content-Addressable Data Synchronization Tool
翻译 - 内容可寻址数据同步工具
Self-hosted file/code/media sharing website.
a vue plugin for image to crop and upload
翻译 - 一个vue插件,用于图像裁剪和上传
#下载器#Upload and download files from Telegram up to 4 GiB using your account
A lightweight and very configurable jQuery plugin for file uploading using ajax(a sync); includes support for queues, progress tracking and drag and drop.