The RSS feed for websites missing it
翻译 - 网站缺少的RSS供稿
A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
#网络爬虫#Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML
#下载器#Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, nzb, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites and jdownloa...
翻译 - Aria/qBittorrent Telegram 镜像/leech bot
#博客#Show your latest blog posts from any sources or StackOverflow activity or Youtube Videos on your GitHub profile/project readme automatically using the RSS feed
翻译 - 使用RSS feed自动在GitHub概要文件/项目自述文件上显示任何来源的最新博客文章或StackOverflow活动
📖 All your articles in one place. Beautiful.
翻译 - 📖您所有的文章都放在一个地方。美丽。
🐋 Awesome TTRSS, a powerful Dockerised all-in-one RSS solution.
RSS-proxy allows you to do create an RSS or ATOM feed of almost any website, just by analyzing just the static HTML structure.
翻译 - RSS 代理允许您创建几乎所有网站的 RSS 或 ATOM 提要,只需分析静态 HTML 结构即可。
A lightweight RSS parser, for Node and the browser
MonitoRSS RSS bot (formerly known as Discord.RSS) with customizable feeds.
#Awesome#Awesome RSS feeds - A curated list of RSS feeds (and OPML files) used in Recommended Feeds and local news sections of Plenary - an RSS reader, article downloader and a podcast player app for android
A Happy and lightweight Python Package that Provides an API to search for articles on Google News and returns a JSON response.
📰 I consume the world via RSS feeds, and this is my attempt to keep it that way.
翻译 - :newspaper:我通过RSS提要来消费世界,这是我试图保持这种状态的尝试。
#搜索#The best RSS Search experience you can find
翻译 - 您可以找到的最佳RSS搜索体验
Hackershare is a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature
FeedHQ is a web-based feed reader
#安卓#A Kotlin Multiplatform library to parse a RSS Feed