The RSS feed for websites missing it
翻译 - 网站缺少的RSS供稿
A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
RSS-proxy allows you to do create an RSS or ATOM feed of almost any website, just by analyzing just the static HTML structure.
翻译 - RSS 代理允许您创建几乎所有网站的 RSS 或 ATOM 提要,只需分析静态 HTML 结构即可。
📰 RSS/Atom feed reader
翻译 - 📰 RSS/Atom 提要阅读器
📰 I consume the world via RSS feeds, and this is my attempt to keep it that way.
翻译 - :newspaper:我通过RSS提要来消费世界,这是我试图保持这种状态的尝试。
FeedHQ is a web-based feed reader
A Python feed reader library.
C# RSS and ATOM Feed reader library. Supports RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 and ATOM. Tested with multiple languages and feeds.
#博客#Convert RSS/Atom feed to email newsletters
A TUI RSS reader with vim-like controls and a local-first, offline-first focus
Unix-style filesystem-based RSS/Atom/JSON Feed fetcher/reader
Simplest way to read & normalize RSS/ATOM/JSON feed data
#大语言模型#Multi-platform browser for the distributed web. Mirror of
A simple Java library for reading RSS and Atom feeds
Ruby's favorite feed auto-discovery library/tool OPDS Bookserver - A standard for digital book distribution