The RSS feed for websites missing it
翻译 - 网站缺少的RSS供稿
Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket, Hy, MIT Scheme, Guile, Python and more!)
A generalist Python node editor
Minimal browser startpage.
翻译 - Minimal browser startpage.
#Awesome#Curated list of all things public domain
💎 3D game framework in C, v1.
A modern, geometric typeface by @chrismsimpson (last commit @ 85fa625 Jun 9, 2020 before deletion) Removed because of
.NET Console Graphics Engine
翻译 - .NET控制台图形引擎
CLI tool for generating Licenses. Easily.
#计算机科学#Quick webui for audiocraft
Remote control, view and config a Foscam or compatible IP camera
DEPRECATED - Server for Xexun/Coban TK102 GPS tracker devices - Anyone want to take over this project?
Simple bandwidth test in browser javascript