.NET Console Graphics Engine
翻译 - .NET控制台图形引擎
🎮 An interactive graphical Typing Tutor game made using C++ (Console Based) having various difficulty levels and a fun gameplay.
A snake game in C++ with multiplayer and computer AI snake using console graphics.
a borland inspired ascii console graphics library.
Demonstration of a simple Computer Graphics implementation to visualise "The Stopping Of A Car Due To Friction"
A simple pong console-game made using plain C and Windows API
A simple console-based Tetris game that I made. It incorporates all terminologies of OOP such as inheritance and polymorphism.
Data Structure / Combinatorics / Object-Oriented Programming Course Projects, SSE Tongji University
K Core is open source Windows library, which extends original Windows Console
A small game I made for a high school project, that I aim to further refine and expand upon into a completed game.
Used for an assignment, A simple database application, with no data storage
A Simple library allowing for interactive C# console experiences
self-education project, copy of legendary donut.c, recreated in C++ with no classic donut form, and with more readable view (I have killed the idea, but my wills were to understand how does it work)
Simple C++ Library for drawing in console. Supports Windows and Unix systems
Code converts an infix expression to postfix notation, evaluates the postfix expression, and plots the resulting graph