清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
Collection of undergraduate course homework and projects
翻译 - 收集课程作业和项目
React and Rails 5 calendar appointment app
#计算机科学#作業分享:台大李宏毅 (Hung-Yi Lee) 教授的Machine Learning (2016, Fall)
A system built for hostel room allocation for our College(NIT Calicut) as a part of DBMS Course.
这个仓库存放了北京理工大学计科专业相关课程资料,欢迎Star & PR。
深蓝学院《移动机器人运动规划》作业代码 - Amos98
Topology optimization with finite element analysis in FEniCS. Final project for CSCI-GA.2420: Numerical Methods II at New York University.
vue-next-renting:基于 vite + vue 3 构建的移动端课程项目
#博客#Python Django Web开发 入门到实践 搭建博客网站 Blog 视频地址:
Fast style transfer with facial preservation. Final project for CSCI-GA.2271: Computer Vision (Fall 2018) at New York University.
ANC-Active Noise Cancellation project software part, including reports and some materials.
#计算机科学#My own solutions for Stanford CS231n (2017) assignments
My term project on databases