Problem statements on System Design and Software Architecture as part of Arpit's System Design Masterclass
翻译 - 作为 Arpit 系统设计大师班一部分的系统设计和软件架构问题陈述
一个浙江大学本科生的计算机、地理信息科学知识库 包含课程资料 学习笔记 大作业等( 数据结构与算法、人工智能、地理空间数据库、计算机组成、计算机网络、图形学、编译原理等课程)
Collection of undergraduate course homework and projects
翻译 - 收集课程作业和项目
#计算机科学#Slides, scripts and materials for the Machine Learning in Finance Course at NYU Tandon, 2022
Designed for saving assignments, submission exercises and projects
2018 - 2022 年,就读于电子科技大学(UESTC)软件工程(互联网“+”)专业,本科期间所写的课程作业代码及完成的实验报告
Collection of coursework I've done from Colt Steele's Udemy Web Development course
LaTeX-класс для создания отчетов и расчетно-пояснительных записок в МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана
All the homeworks, studies and projects I've done at Metu-CENG
#算法刷题#This is the Curriculum to learn Machine Leaning from scratch to expert.
vue-next-renting:基于 vite + vue 3 构建的移动端课程项目
Resources for CE, CS, IT, and EE students
Collection of my solutions to the (infamous) dbclass (2014 version) offered by Stanford.
My term project on databases
Fast Fourier Transform implementation, computable on CUDA platform. Seminar project for MI-PRC course at FIT CTU.
Autonomous Mobile Robot Problem Sets and Exercises (Spring 2017) @ ETH
A common repo of past assessments/papers (In-Class Tests, Courseworks, etc) from IIT, Sri Lanka affiliated with University of Westminster, UK.