Script for downloading videos and naming them.
翻译 - 用于下载Coursera.org视频并命名的脚本。
#计算机科学#Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation.
翻译 - 本科生或任何人都希望深入挖掘AI的领域的详细和量身定制的指南。
#算法刷题#Metarhia educational program index 📖
翻译 - Metarhia 教育项目索引 📖
#自然语言处理#머신러닝 입문자 혹은 스터디를 준비하시는 분들에게 도움이 되고자 만든 repository입니다. (This repository is intented for helping whom are interested in machine learning study)
Theory of digital signal processing (DSP): signals, filtration (IIR, FIR, CIC, MAF), transforms (FFT, DFT, Hilbert, Z-transform) etc.
翻译 - 数字信号处理(DSP)理论:信号,滤波(IIR,FIR,CIC,MAF),变换(FFT,DFT,希尔伯特,Z变换)等。
Download courses from
翻译 - 从khanacademy.org下载课程
#计算机科学#A curated list of free, high-quality, university-level courses with video lectures related to the field of Computer Vision.
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Lectures at the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2018
#计算机科学#Курс "Прикладные задачи анализа данных" (ВМК, МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова)
#计算机科学#Code for "Machine Learning for Physicists" lecture series by Florian Marquardt
Lectures for the class on
About cyber security, data scrapy , aisec analysis, vulnerability analysis, enterprise security, and so on.
#计算机科学#MIT-6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars Assignments solutions
a 4.9-star chrome extension for batch downloading moodle resources 💾
📚 A place for all supplementary materials like slides, homework assignments etc.
#计算机科学#Materials for the course of machine learning at Imperial College organized by Yandex SDA