#自然语言处理#Drench yourself in Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and NLP by learning from these exciting lectures!!
翻译 - 通过从这些令人兴奋的演讲中学习,可以深入学习深度学习,强化学习,机器学习,计算机视觉和自然语言学习!
#计算机科学#Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation.
翻译 - 本科生或任何人都希望深入挖掘AI的领域的详细和量身定制的指南。
#计算机科学#Machine Learning Foundations: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics & Computer Science
#面试#Data Science Roadmap from A to Z
Powerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; ...
翻译 - 强大的PHP现代数学库:具有描述性统计和回归功能;连续和离散的概率分布;具有矩阵和向量的线性代数,数值分析;特殊的数学函数;代数
#算法刷题#The Machine Learning & Deep Learning Compendium was a list of references in my private & single document, which I curated in order to expand my knowledge, it is now an open knowledge-sharing project c...
翻译 - Machine Learning & Deep Learning Compendium 是一个使用 Gitbook 编译的开源知识共享项目。
#计算机科学#The basic distribution probability Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
翻译 - 深度学习研究人员的基本分布概率教程
Self-study on Larry Wasserman's "All of Statistics"
#计算机科学#Teaching Materials for Dr. Waleed A. Yousef
#计算机科学#General statistics, mathematical programming, and numerical/scientific computing scripts and notebooks in Python
#算法刷题#Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.
#面试#Quantitative Interview Preparation Guide, updated version here ==>
#计算机科学#Jupyter Notebooks for Springer book "Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning"
数学知识点滴积累 矩阵 数值优化 神经网络反向传播 图优化 概率论 随机过程 卡尔曼滤波 粒子滤波 数学函数拟合
VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CME 106 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
#计算机科学#The motive behind Creating this repo is to feel the fear of mathematics and do what ever you want to do in Machine Learning , Deep Learning and other fields of AI
#算法刷题#Courses, Articles and many more which can help beginners or professionals.
#计算机科学#Pytorch implementations of density estimation algorithms: BNAF, Glow, MAF, RealNVP, planar flows
#Awesome#A professionally curated list of awesome Conformal Prediction videos, tutorials, books, papers, PhD and MSc theses, articles and open-source libraries.