#自然语言处理#Drench yourself in Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and NLP by learning from these exciting lectures!!
翻译 - 通过从这些令人兴奋的演讲中学习,可以深入学习深度学习,强化学习,机器学习,计算机视觉和自然语言学习!
Python wrapper for TA-Lib (http://ta-lib.org/).
翻译 - 适用于TA-Lib的Python包装器(http://ta-lib.org/)。
#计算机科学#Simple and comprehensive tutorials in TensorFlow
翻译 - TensorFlow中的简单而全面的教程
#计算机科学#Highly cited and useful papers related to machine learning, deep learning, AI, game theory, reinforcement learning
翻译 - 与机器学习,深度学习,人工智能,博弈论,强化学习有关的高引用和有用论文
Up to 10x faster strings for C, C++, Python, Rust, Swift & Go, leveraging NEON, AVX2, AVX-512, SVE, & SWAR to accelerate search, hashing, sort, edit distances, and memory ops 🦖
一个拍照做题程序。输入一张包含数学计算题的图片,输出识别出的数学计算式以及计算结果。This is a mathematic expression recognition project.
#计算机科学#Repository of notes, code and notebooks in Python for the book Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
#计算机科学#Teaching Materials for Dr. Waleed A. Yousef
#人脸识别#ICCV 2023 Papers: Discover cutting-edge research from ICCV 2023, the leading computer vision conference. Stay updated on the latest in computer vision and deep learning, with code included. ⭐ support ...
#计算机科学#Code and datasets for the Tsetlin Machine
翻译 - Tsetlin机器的代码和数据集
#人脸识别#CVPR 2023-2024 Papers: Dive into advanced research presented at the leading computer vision conference. Keep up to date with the latest developments in computer vision and deep learning. Code included...
The Graph-Cut RANSAC algorithm proposed in paper: Daniel Barath and Jiri Matas; Graph-Cut RANSAC, Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018. It is available at http://openaccess.thec...
#计算机科学#Pyramidal Convolution: Rethinking Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.11538.pdf)
翻译 - 金字塔形卷积:对视觉识别的卷积神经网络的重新思考(https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.11538.pdf)
Hastic data management server for analyzing patterns and anomalies from Grafana
#计算机科学#Efficient Training of Audio Transformers with Patchout
📈 PatternPy: A Python package revolutionizing trading analysis with high-speed pattern recognition, leveraging Pandas & Numpy. Effortlessly spot Head & Shoulders, Tops & Bottoms, Supports & Resistanc...
#计算机科学#An up-to-date & curated list of Awesome IMU-based Human Activity Recognition(Ubiquitous Computing) papers, methods & resources. Please note that most of the collections of researches are mainly based ...
PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)
#计算机科学#Improved Residual Networks (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.04989.pdf)