#计算机科学#Code and datasets for the Tsetlin Machine
翻译 - Tsetlin机器的代码和数据集
#计算机科学#Implements the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, Weighted Tsetlin Machine, and Embedding Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features, multigranulari...
Implements the Tsetlin Machine, Coalesced Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, and Weighted Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features, drop clause, T...
TouIST, the IDE & Language for Logic (backed by SAT, SMT and QBF solvers)
Tutorial on the Convolutional Tsetlin Machine
Unterlagen zur Vorlesung "Formale Systeme", Fakultät Informatik, TU Dresden
#计算机科学#Multi-threaded implementation of the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, and Weighted Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features and multigranularity...
An Inference Engine based on Propositional Calculus written in Common Lisp
A set of tools for analyzing languages via logic and automata
Python library for computational formal logic, formal semantics, and theorem proving
Analytic tableau based minimal model generator, model checker and theorem prover for first-order logic with modal extensions
A computer algebra system for propositional logic
A Library for Classical Propositional Logic in Agda
MIRROR of https://codeberg.org/catseye/Philomath : An LCF-style theorem prover written in C89 (a.k.a ANSI C)
Open source F# mathematical logic library.
Minesweeper game powered with an AI assistant to help you dodge all those dangerous mines!