#计算机科学#Code and datasets for the Tsetlin Machine
翻译 - Tsetlin机器的代码和数据集
Implements the Tsetlin Machine, Coalesced Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, and Weighted Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features, drop clause, T...
#计算机科学#Implements the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, Weighted Tsetlin Machine, and Embedding Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features, multigranulari...
#计算机科学# A fast Tsetlin Machine implementation employing bit-wise operators, with MNIST demo.
翻译 - 快速的Tsetlin Machine实现,采用按位运算符,带有MNIST演示。
Tutorial on the Convolutional Tsetlin Machine
#计算机科学#Using the Tsetlin Machine to learn human-interpretable rules for high-accuracy text categorization with medical applications
#计算机科学#Multi-threaded implementation of the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, and Weighted Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features and multigranularity...
Massively Parallel and Asynchronous Architecture for Logic-based AI
Tsetlin Machine for Logical Learning and Reasoning With Graphs
#计算机科学#The Tsetlin Machine library, with zero external dependencies, performs blazingly fast.
A CUDA implementation of the Tsetlin Machine based on bitwise operators
#计算机科学#Implementation of the Regression Tsetlin Machine
#计算机科学#Demo of tsetlin on the MNIST character data set that uses genetic and multi-threading. Derived from Ole-Christoffer Granmo.
University project in the course ICT Seminar 3. Using Tsetlin Machine for Pattern Recognition in the game Connect Four.
Efficient parallelized implementation of Multilabel Classifier and Regressor Tsetlin Machines
#计算机科学#Plug-and-play collaboration between specialized Tsetlin machines
Master's Thesis project at University of Agder, Spring 2020. Classification with Tsetlin Machine on board game 'GO'.