#大语言模型# MedicalGPT: Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline. 训练医疗大模型,实现了包括增量预训练(PT)、有监督微调(SFT)、RLHF、DPO、ORPO。
#自然语言处理# 📄 🤖 Semantic search and workflows for medical/scientific papers
翻译 - 人工智能驱动的医学/科研论文文献发现和审阅引擎
⚡High Performance DICOM Medical Image Parser in Go.
翻译 - ⚡Go中的高性能DICOM医学图像解析器。
#计算机科学# A Deep Learning Python Toolkit for Healthcare Applications.
翻译 - 用于医疗保健AI的Python库
🫁 The world's first open-source ventilator tested on human patients. Mass-producible at a low cost (~2000€).
翻译 - 🦠3D可打印的Covid-19 DIY呼吸器(由SARS-CoV-2病毒引起)。目的是在爆发期间帮助医院应对专业呼吸器可能短缺的情况。
#安全# YouPeriod.app -- the privacy-first period tracking app
#计算机科学# Implementation of "MORPHEUS-1" from Prophetic AI and "The world’s first multi-modal generative ultrasonic transformer designed to induce and stabilize lucid dreams. "
Hacktoberfest'22 | This web app is resolutely committed to provide our users with hospitals and their services at their fingertips.