Fasten is an open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator, designed to integrate with 100,000's of insurances/hospitals/clinics
Medplum is a healthcare platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality compliant applications.
#计算机科学#A Deep Learning Python Toolkit for Healthcare Applications.
翻译 - 用于医疗保健AI的Python库
Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python.
Modular, Production-Ready, Open-Source EHR
The code repository for the prototypes included in the eBook "Inspired EHRs - Designing for Clinicians" ( The code of the prototypes is made available under the Apache 2.0 open sourc...
Surfacing Semantic Data from Clinical Notes in Electronic Health Records for Tailored Care, Trial Recruitment and Clinical Research
#计算机科学#A toolkit for evaluating and monitoring AI models in clinical settings
The word2vec-BiLSTM-CRF model for CCKS2019 Chinese clinical named entity recognition.
⚠️ ARCHIVED ⚠️ Essential tools and utility functions to facilitate the data processing pipeline, data cleaning and data analysing of clinical data from CC-HIC
Machine-readable version of electronic health record phenotypes for Kuan V. and Denaxas S. et al.
#自然语言处理#Code for the old version of BioMedICUS, for the new version see the biomedicus3 repository.
Research Data Management Platform (RDMP) is an open source application for the loading,linking,anonymisation and extraction of datasets stored in relational databases.
#区块链#The project uses blockchain and smart contracts to let individuals manage and secure their health data. Its goal is to empower people to control their health information, communicate better with healt...
#计算机科学#A toolkit for developing foundation models using Electronic Health Record (EHR) data.
#自然语言处理#[ACL 2024] This is the code for our paper ”RAM-EHR: Retrieval Augmentation Meets Clinical Predictions on Electronic Health Records“.
#计算机科学#Code and Datasets for the paper "Combining structured and unstructured data for predictive models: a deep learning approach", published on BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making in 2020.
Fall Detection in EHR using Word Embeddings and Deep Learning
💗 npm package for accessing UMLS REST APIs (unofficial)
A public repo to share methylation risk scores (MRS) derived from UCLA's electronic health records.