#区块链#Personal blockchain for Ethereum development
翻译 - 个人区块子为Ethereum开发
#区块链#⚠️ The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.
翻译 - 一种为快速以太坊开发创建本地区块链的工具。
Simplify Ethereum security analysis and testing
#区块链#🃏🎮A NFT(ERC721) card game build on Ethereum, Truffle, Ganache and hosting on IPFS.
#区块链#A decentralized voting system using Ethereum blockchain for secure and transparent elections, with features like user authentication and real-time result tracking.
#区块链#Generation and validation of certificates using ethereum blockchain
#区块链#This contains all the code to execute a successful flash-loan on the Kovan test-net of Ethereum. Flash-loan will be taken from the aave lending pool where will will take 1 DAI as a flash-loan, please ...
#区块链#Hääl - Anonymous Electronic Voting System on Public Blockchains
#区块链#One place for the web3 developer to showcase their project . This Repo Web3.World consists of projects (decentralized apps) build on differnet chains.This made for the blockchain developer who want's...
#编辑器#A simple alternative to Remix IDE to develop and test Solidity Smart Contracts
Example Blockchain voting DApp with truffle
#区块链#An ERC721 dapp tutorial to demonstrate how digital asset could be represented and traded on blockchain removing the need of third party.A full stack dapp made via solidity (contracts deployed on ropst...
#区块链#Ethereum blockchain project aimed at ensuring complete transparency in charity transactions. Integrates a solidity contract with a metamask wallet on Ganache interfaced accounts and deployment using N...