Automatically create polls in GitHub issues.
#区块链#Hääl - Anonymous Electronic Voting System on Public Blockchains
Generate data files for Wii Channels that have the latest news, forecast data, etc. allows anyone to easily find out how Members of the European Parliament vote in plenary.
#安卓#🗳 Customizable Polls for Flutter.
Easy-to-understand visualizations for Ranked-Choice Voting elections: sankey, bargraphs, and tables. Interactive and print-friendly options available. Supports most common tabulators.
Online Election Voting System developed in Advance Java using concepts such as MVC, Servlets & JSP.
A plugin for Counter-Strike 2 to create custom votes for settings.
Laravel Users (Roles & Permissions, Devices, Password: Auto Hashing & History, Actions: Likes, Followers, Reviews, Subscribes, Votes, Favorites, Bookmarks, Comments)
Weekly updated data on roll-call-votes in the European Parliament, as collected by
A program for comparing electoral systems. Supports instant-runoff voting, first-past-the-post, the Borda count, and more.
An python API using the swedish riksdags open data about documents, voting, events and more stuff related to the swedish goverment.
Using data on erroneous/corrected votes in ep-erroneous-votes, based on open data dumps from Parltrack, to visalize erroneous, and subsequently corrected, votes by Members of the European Parliament.
Using open data dumps from Parltrack to analyze erroneous, and subsequently corrected, votes by Members of the European Parliament.
A Flask-based app that estimates the relative power of a vote in each UK constituency.
投票小程序,投票活动十分火,商家,企业,机构偶尔都会来一场投票活动评选,本小程序支持图文投票,简单方便、随时随地完成投票,可以方便设定投票模式(按天按全程,投票数限定)。 本代码前后端完整代码包投票列表,投票分类,投票动态,排行榜,生成投票海报,生成单个项目投票海报等